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A post called Lorem Ispum
This is the excerpt for the post called ‘Lorem Ispum. It has been written in the ‘Excerpt’ box on the post page. Tam re ab il in rehenis nim voluptur alitatiam restiurionet. Apersped quas voluptus dolumquas et autam, ut doluptas mollitam re ab il in rehenis nim voluptur alitatiam restiurionet ut lab idunto quam abobout. This excerpt is 61 words long.
October 18, 2024 -
A conversational title about Random Call
This is the excerpt for the post called ‘Random Call’. It has been written in the ‘Excerpt’ box on the post page. Many schools use icypole sticks as a core technique for questioning. This aims to increase engagement, accountability to learning, and spread of participation. It can work well, but here’s why we should think critically about the practice. This excerpt is 65 words long.
October 18, 2024 -
Cold Call
This is the excerpt for the post called ‘Cold Call. It has been written in the ‘Excerpt’ box on the post page. Many teachers are working hard to implement Cold Call. Executed well, it’s a thing of beauty, but increasingly I think schools should prioritise implementing a core set of all-student response techniques. Here’s why I think they should come first. This excerpt is 67 words long.
October 17, 2024